
Thursday 14 February 2013

Common computer conversion

1MB = 1024KB
1GB = 1024 MB
1TB = 1024 GB

How to sleep

Sleeping may be the easiest activity & it doesn’t require any training as one knows how to sleep since birth. It maybe on of the very first activity one does after birth but there is a way to sleep for health benefits.

I thought of sharing it as sleeping is my favourite activity & I’ve been missing sleep since many days because of my super hectic schedule.

We all know the four directions i.e. North, East, West & South. We also know about magnetic field. A magnet has 2 poles North & South. North Pole is positive & South Pole is negative. Earth also has a magnetic pole that stretches from North to South. Just like a magnet’s pole earth’s positive pole is at North & negative pole is at South.  Like poles repel each other & opposite poles attract each other. Thus a magnet’s negative pole will attract towards North direction, repel towards south direction & positive pole will attract towards & South direction & repel towards North direction.

Just like earth & magnet we humans also have positive & negative pole in our body. Head is our positive pole & legs are our negative pole. As like poles repel & opposite poles attract each other the best way to sleep is by laying our head towards South direction & legs towards North direction. If one will lay his/her head towards North, earth’s positive pole will repel his/her positive pole as earth’s magnetic force is greater than that of humans & after waking up he/she will feel heaviness or headache.  If one lays his/her head in Southern direction there will be a mutual attraction as Earth’s negative pole attracts body’s positive pole. If one sleeps in this direction then earth’s force assists proper circulation of fluids in our body.

We also have read & heard many times that Sun rises in the East & sets in the West. This isn’t true. As Earth revolves from West to East we find Sun rising in the East & setting in the West. Just like Magnet & Earth, Sun also has magnetic force. Sun’s magnetic force enters from the East. Thus if one’s head is towards East during Sun rise it’ll improve his/her intellect. This is the reason why many people study by facing East.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love

In 2004 Robert Sternberg proposed a theory in which he divided love into 3 parts.

Intimacy: - Bondedness, closeness, connectedness, sharing feelings, etc.

Passion: - Physical attraction, romance, obsessive physical want, etc.

Commitment: - Loyalty, Trust, etc.

By considering Intimacy, Passion, Commitment as a triangle, love can be divided into 7 parts.





Empty love

Romantic love

Companionate love

Fatuous love

Consummate love

References: -

1. Robert J. Sternberg, "Triangulating Love", in T. J. Oord ed. The Altruism Reader (2007) p. 332

2. Robert J. Sternberg, "A Triangular Theory of Love", in H. T. Reis/C. E. Rusbult eds., Close Relationships (2004) p. 258

John Lee’s styles of love

John Lee classified Love into 2 styles Primary & Secondary.

Primary style of love is divided into 3 types

Eros: - It’s emotional & physical passion. It’s loving a person due to his/her emotional or physical attributes or loving somebody due to physical arousal or emotional stimulation. Love is erotic, romantic & sentimental.

Ludus: - Love is an addiction or a game or sports. A lover is a player & believes in duration or scores. In simple words importance is given to quantity rather than quality & its all about fun & enjoyment. Love is sometimes with multiple partners thus it has high risk of infidelity

Storge: - Friendship gradually turns into affection for each other. Couple will give importance to commitment, mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual understanding & avoid infidelity. Although couple’s relationship is intimate but they may lack passion.

Secondary style of love is also divided into 3 types

Agape: - It’s a combination Eros & Storge. It’s compassionate, egoless, self-giving, self-sacrificing, unsullied, & unconditional. Partner is considered a blessing & couple may think of taking each other’s care & try to avoid giving emotional or physical pain. Couple has patience, faith for each other & avoid infidelity. Its advantage is generosity but disadvantage is feeling of guilt or incompetence & sometimes a person may lose self.

Mania: - It’s a combination of Eros & Ludos. It’s obsessive i.e. intense preoccupation of loved one. Intense possessiveness, intense jealousy, constant reassurance of partner’s love for security, experience of emotional high & low is a part of this style. Although it may have intimacy & passion but lovers may remain anxious & insecure.

Pragma: - It’s a combination of Ludos & Storge. Love is driven by head & not heart. Love is altruistic, practical, rational, realistic & undemonstrative. Couple gives important consideration to each other’s goals, roles, costs & rewards. Love is more due to compatibility.

References: -

1. Lee JA (1973). Colours of love: an exploration of the ways of loving. Toronto: New Press. ISBN 0-88770-187-6.

2. Lee JA (1988). "Love styles". In Barnes MH, Sternberg RJ. The Psychology of love. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press. pp. 38–67. ISBN 0-300-03950-6.

Elaine Hatfield’s compassionate and passionate love

Compassionate love: - Feelings of affection, attachment, commitment, respect.

Passionate love: - Feelings of attraction, intense emotion, obsession.

Reference: -

Elaine Hatfield, Richard L. Rapson. (1994). Love and intimacy. Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 2. New York: Academic Press.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Abraham Lincoln’s humility

Former US President Abraham Lincoln faced tremendous setbacks & struggled a lot before becoming President of USA. His fiancée died, twice failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, lost 8 times in elections but became the Greatest President Ever.

On his first day as President while giving his inaugural speech a wealthy aristocrat interrupted him. He said, “Mr. Lincoln, you shouldn’t forget that your father made shoes for my family." The aristocrat’s acerbic comment made some senates present laugh.

President Lincoln’s past impediments & struggle had made him a man of steel to tolerate such vitriolic comment. President Lincoln looked at that man & thanked him for reminding him of his humble origins. He said to him "Sir I know that my father made shoes for your family & many others present here because the way he made shoes nobody else could have made." He added that his father was a creator & he not just made shoes but poured his whole soul in it. He then questioned the aristocrat whether he had any complaint regarding those shoes. He then said “I know how to make shoes myself. If you have any complaint I can make another pair of shoes. But as far as I know, nobody has ever complained about my father's shoes. He was a great creator & genius with his work, & I am proud of my father".