
Saturday 1 August 2015

Triple H to achieve goals

With Triple H I mean that 3 tendencies beginning with the letter H can help to achieve goals or resolutions. The 3 H are Happiness, Hard-work & Humour. I’ve written the 3 H in alphabetical order for some the order can be different.

Many think that by achieving goals or resolutions or by becoming successful or by reaching any target or finding love or a great job or fame 1 will be happy. However it works the other way around. Happiness is the prerequisite to achieve goals or resolutions or to reach any target or to find love or a great job or fame.

When 1 is happy she/he gets more positive thoughts & mind is positive. A positive mind can help achieve goals or resolutions. People get attracted to happy people thus happy people are able to find love, get a job & even get popularity or fame. You may have noticed that 1 can enjoy food when she/he is happy. 1 makes many promises when she/he is happy. Happiness enhances health. A happy mind has more immunity strength or better functioning of white blood cells than an unhappy mind. Thus happiness boosts health. If health is good then 1 can work well to achieve her/his goals, resolutions, do well at job, relationship & can even become popular or get fame.

Globalisation, Increase in population & decrease of natural resources has made the world more competitive than ever. In my opinion currently we have cutthroat competition in all fields. I haven’t met a single person that has been successful without hard-work. Many get a great job however they aren’t able to remain at that job as they aren’t able to work hard. Hard work is not only required at job but also in all walks of life. A person that tries hard in her/his relationship will be able to sustain it. Similarly a hard working person will be able to keep his fame. When 1 works hard she/he remains focussed on her/his work & that focus keeps negative thoughts or daydreams at bay. 2 people making same resolution – 1 hard working & other hardly working. In my opinion the hard working person is more likely to conquer her/his resolution than a hardly working person.

Humour is a great mechanism to keep negative thoughts at bay. Humorous people are more likely to forget failures or past struggles & forgive others. They are able to create jokes on self or laugh at their own mistakes & the negative energy just disappears. Many people waste much of their life’s time & energy by dwelling in their past life. I don’t mean to state that dwelling into past is bad however persistently thinking about it doesn’t let 1 move ahead or progress. A humorous mind is also more creative than others. Due to their creative nature they get more ideas than normal to achieve their goals or resolutions or targets. Their ability to laugh on self helps them forget pain or humiliation. When negative incidents get masked a person is able to focus on present & thus can hard-work move ahead. Humorous people are also more likely to attract others & thus can find love, popularity or fame.

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