
Saturday 30 January 2021

Diet to enhance endothelial layer, gut & intestinal hair

Endothelial layer or intestinal hair gets affected due to mainly eating fried foods, junk foods, processed packed foods, stale foods, animal products so before beginning to consume below mentioned meals it is essential to take an oath to discard such foods completely from diet.

The Nitric Oxide (NO) breakfast: An idyllic breakfast for the diabetic, non-diabetic patients & for also those that want to reduce elevated cholesterol level or shed mass. As we are aware that amongst diabetes patients blood glucose level is higher than normal. This affects the inner lining of the blood vessels (endothelial layer). It either gets inflamed & sticky or gets clogged, leading to the risk of heart attack & brain stroke. A breakfast that boosts nitric oxide helps to produce necessary nitric oxide that enhances health of the endothelial layer, ultimately making the endothelial layer normal, clearing blockage if any & preventing associated illness. 

Method to prepare nitric-oxide breakfast

Ingredients: Almonds soaked overnight, beetroot, carrot, chilli, coriander leaves, cucumber, onion, radish, tomatoes, sprouted mung beans, lemon juice.


Wash all the above mentioned ingredients with salty water to get rid of pesticides if any. Then peel skin of beetroot, carrot, cucumber, radish, onion & cut it into bite size pieces.

Then chop tomatoes into bite size pieces.

Chop green chilli & coriander leaves finely.

Now take a bowl add almonds soaked overnight, sprouted mung beans, beetroot, carrot, chilli, cucumber, onion, green chilli, tomatoes & lemon juice.

Total Time to consume the breakfast should be around 30 minutes or more. Ensure you chew every portion 32 times of more before swallowing it. Ensure to not consume water 30 minutes before breakfast & 1 hour after breakfast.

Here it is important to remind you that your blood sugar level depends on 3 factors:

What you eat

How you eat i.e. time taken to consume the food.

The quantity you eat while consuming 300 grams of fruits you must take at least 20 minutes to consume it.

The lunch: The lunch can be Rainbow Vegetable Meal. Here we must understand that nature has produced vegetables with variety of colours & each colour of the vegetable (as well as fruits) interacts with body in a unique manner helping the body to maintain the required homeostasis of not only the blood sugar but also the temperature, blood pressure, water composition in the body & the mineral balance. In reality, all types of homeostasis of the body are interconnected & disturbance in any 1 of them will eventually disturb the other. So to re-establish the homeostasis of the body not only we need to consume multi-coloured vegetables but also it must steamed & not cooked, as cooking destroys the ability of nutrients to sense the body's current status of homeostasis.

Method to prepare Rainbow meal:

Ingredients: 50 gm broccoli, 2 capsicums, 1 green chilli, coriander leaves, 1 carrot, 2 cucumbers, 50 gm sprouted mung bean, 100 gm French beans, 1 onion, 50 gm Lima beans (soaked overnight), 50 gm black chickpeas (soaked overnight), parsley leaves, 2 tomatoes, lemon juice, Chaat masala (if required).


Wash all the above mentioned ingredients except dal with salty water to remove pesticides if any.

Take cucumber, carrot & onion peel its skin. Now cut cucumber, carrots, onion & tomatoes, into bite size pieces.

Boil Lima beans & black chickpeas till it gets cooked on low flame without a lid on it.

Steam capsicum, broccoli, French beans & sprouted mung bean simultaneously.

Then take a bowl, add all vegetables, steamed mung beans, coriander, chilli, parsley & lemon juice to taste & mix well. Add chaat masala if required or eat with tomato dip.

Tomato Dip recipe:

Ingredients: 1 tomato, 30 gram fresh coconut, green chilli, garlic, ginger, onion, lemon juice.

Method: Take all the items & blend them well in a blender. 

And time to consume must not be less than 30 minutes.

If you suffer due to diabetes: -

Post lunch/evening snacks: You may have the similar fruit snacks, as you did in the mid-morning. In case it is the time for taking the next dose of medication or insulin shots you must first check your blood sugar level as the rainbow vegetable lunch has the potential to drop the blood sugar level substantially low. Although the mechanism how it does so, is not completely understood but probably it plays three major roles:

The rainbow vegetables help intestines to regulate the absorption of glucose in the blood stream.

It stimulates the dormant/sleeping beta cells.

It reduces the insulin resistance of the muscles & tissues.

A water alternative to enhance digestion: - Take handful of Coriander seeds, Cumin seeds, Fennel seeds & wash them & soak it in 2 litre of water overnight. In the morning boil this water & drink it daily instead of normal water. It enhances digestion. For better results it is better to consume this liquid lukewarm. 

References: Ph.D, Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury. "Diabetes Type I & II cure in 72 hours." In Diabetes Type I & II cure in 72 hours, by Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury Ph.D, 98-102. Faridabad-121010 (Haryana): Idea Publication, September 2014.

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D and Thomas M. Campbell II. The China Study. Dallas Texas: Banbella Books, 2006.

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