
Sunday 21 September 2014

Some restaurants serve stored juice instead of fresh juice

Some months ago a female foreign friend invited me to have dinner at a posh restaurant. Although I wasn’t in a mood to dine with her but didn’t feel like rejecting her proposal. We reached the restaurant. As usual I was too tired & was questioning my digestive system’s strength to digest anything that I’ll eat.

We both felt to have some juice before eating anything. Mangoes are considered the king of fruits in India. As Mangoes aren’t easily available in her country my female foreign friend ordered a mango juice. As I was too tired to digest a glass of mango juice I preferred a milder alternative & ordered lemon juice.

The juice which I got wasn’t made with fresh lemons but was made by adding concentrated lemon juice previously stored to water. The drink was served in a glass & a cut lemon was attached to that glass. The drink was expensive but wasn’t refreshing but depressing.

Even my female foreign friend was served with mango squash mixed with water rather than fresh mango juice which upset her.

I can’t understand why restaurant owners mention the word ‘juice’ in their menu books as they don’t serve fresh juice & charge a lot of money.

After leaving the restaurant I realised why they attach a cut lemon to the glass, just in case anybody doesn’t like the preserved juice so she/he can make a juice on his own by using the cut lemon attached to the glass.

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